The neuroscience of Advertising

Neuro-scientists recently discovered that human beings have a 0.25 second window of opportunity between a stimulus and the corresponding response to catch their thinking and make a better choice.

This window of opportunity is the gap that we advertising professionals have gleaned to be a gem. Digital world has taken it up at the top willing customers to focus or leave. Instagram is the best example of this. However, of all that science proposes – we have a belief in the fact that something that has a striking story or a design that has great content will definitely take up the idea further; reaching far beyond the first tap.

Harvard Business Review has come out with the term ‘Neuro-marketing’. According to them –

“Neuromarketing” loosely refers to the measurement of physiological and neural signals to gain insight into customers’ motivations, preferences, and decisions, which can help inform creative advertising, product development, pricing, and other marketing areas.

At BRIM, when we set big goals and chase big dreams, we are engaging essentially in a hugely creative act. We are using our imagination and our abilities to build something wonderful for you. That’s Brim’s creativity in action to get a reaction from customers.

This reaction and big goal is broken down into smaller portions when strategies are built. Our team with its updated ideas about digital usage, the gathering of the experiences and the way the customers are taken on newer ways of behavior are all put into the science of advertising and that’s how we breathe into an excellently designed advertising method for our clients.

Brim Action is a constant trudging into this area of stimulus and response notes, bringing in research and data driven facts into the customer retention and client satisfaction. Yes, we have come a long way in our journey from cases like Fitness Point to Cloud9 .

Hoping to catch up with you again in the next blog! Ciao!